Patients with dentures often ask if there is a more secure way to attach their prosthetic teeth and increase their confidence while eating and talking. Our dentists at Dental Wellness Center of Maryville can provide implant-supported dentures in Maryville, Illinois, that allow the denture to be firmly snapped in place in the mouth without the need for sticky, messy denture paste. Call 618 288 1923 today to plan your visit with Dr. Pat Murphy, Dr. Patrick Heulsmann, or Dr. Mike Murphy.

What Are Implant-Supported Dentures?

Implant-supported dentures, also known as implant-retained dentures, resemble traditional dentures and also work as a prosthetic solution for restoring multiple missing teeth. The primary difference between the two is that instead of relying on denture glue to keep the replacement teeth in place, implant-supported dentures are secured into position using dental implants. This addresses the common complaint amongst denture-wearers that their oral appliance becomes loose or slides around in their mouth, making eating or speaking uncomfortable.


What Can I Expect From My Implant Procedure?

Like any dental implant procedure, implant-supported dentures are completed in multiple steps.

    Step 1: Consultation

      Before beginning treatment, it is imperative that our dentists and team have a chance to thoroughly examine your smile and ensure that you understand all of your treatment options and know what to expect going forward. Many patients who have been missing teeth for a long period of time experience bone loss, so this visit helps us determine whether enough bone remains to support an implant or if you would benefit from a bone grafting procedure before moving forward. We will also discuss the number of implants that will be used to support your denture and whether you would like our team to create a new customized prosthetic to fit the implants. Often, we can retrofit a preexisting denture to work with our implants.

    Step Two: Implant Placement

      After our team has had time to thoroughly plan your procedure, we will need to place the dental implants that will eventually support your denture. These small titanium screws, known as implant posts, are made of a biocompatible material designed to integrate with the surrounding bone in a process called osseointegration, and our dentists will surgically insert them into the jaw at strategically planned points. In most cases, the denture can be supported with just four to six implants.

    Step Three: Implant Restoration

      Finally, after a sufficient healing time, your final denture is attached to the dental implants. We will make any needed adjustments to ensure the denture fits comfortably, functionally and beautiful. This provides long-lasting stability to your restoration and offers a smile that looks and feels natural.


Removable Implant Dentures vs. Fixed Implant Dentures

At Dental Wellness Center of Maryville, we offer both removable and fixed implant-supported dentures so you can ensure your new smile is fit to your specific needs. Removable implant-supported dentures, also known as snap-on dentures, are often a good choice for patients who have experienced bone loss in their jaw, though periodontal treatments and bone grafting can also be used to prepare a smile for fixed implants regardless of their condition.

Fixed Implant Dentures:

  • Brushed each night like natural teeth
  • Natural look, feel and function
  • Require more jaw support
  • Forget you have dentures!

Removable Implant Dentures:

  • Removed each night for maintenance
  • Custom, though slightly bulkier, fit
  • Require less jaw support
  • Easy care and maintenance!

During your dental implant consultation, our dentists will explain the pros and cons of each option to ensure you make the most informed decision for your overall oral health. We are also happy to answer any questions you may have regarding implant-supported dentures in Maryville, Illinois. Our team is only a call away!


Why Choose Dental Wellness Center of Maryville?

Not only does our office feature the latest dental technology to ensure your implant placement is as comfortable and efficient as possible, but our doctors boast decades of combined experience place and restoring dental implants. Dr. Pat Murphy and Dr. Patrick Huelsmann’s advanced training in implant dentistry has proven extremely useful in helping restore the full function and beauty to his patients’ smiles. As an early adopter of cutting-edge dental technology and techniques, Dr. Mike Murphy placed his first dental implant in 1985!

When if comes to your smile, go with the dentists you can trust. Call or visit our office today to schedule your consultation.